• Life Time Achievement - CERAI will be honouring an individual for outstanding achievements made over a sustained period in the disciplines of civil engineering. The awardee will be considered based on open nomination and an independent panel of esteemed assessors will adjudicate on the nominees. The nominations must be done using the application form (available here) and eamiled to Jamie Goggins (Jamie.Goggins@nuigalway.ie) before 31/07/2018. Self nomination is not allowed and only nominations submitted using the official nomination form will be accepted. The award will be made at the Conference Banquet.
  • Young Researcher Award - For individuals who are aged under 35 years on 30 August 2018. This award will be made to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to research and practice at an early stage in their careers. The awardee will be considered based on open nomination and an independent panel of esteemed assessors will adjudicate on the nominees. Applicants must fill the application from (available here) and submit it to Roger West (rwest@tcd.ie) before 31/07/2018. Only nominations submitted using the official nomination form will be accepted. The award will be made at the Conference Banquet.
Photo: The Narrow Water Bridge