
For CERI 2014 up to 5 bursaries will be available for good quality papers submitted with registered students as the first author. The bursary is to encourage participation from students who would otherwise find it difficult to travel to the conference/pay the registration fee. Registration fee will be provided by CERAI and also a contribution towards the expenses will be made on submission of receipts. All papers with a student as first author will be conisdered for the bursary and after shortlisting the Awards committee will request for further supporting documents from eligible candidates.


The organising committee is developing a strategy for recognising and promoting publication of high quality research and practice. It is anticipated that the committee will negotiate the following form of recognitions:

  • Life time achievement - Following up from BCRI tradition, CERAI will be honouring an individual for outstanding achievements made over a sustained period in the disciplines of engineering. The awardee will be considered based on open nomination and an independent panel of esteemed assessors will adjudicate on the nominees. The award will be made at the Conference Banquet.
  • Young researcher - For individuals who are aged under 35 years on 30 August 2014. This award will be made to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to research and practice at an early stage in their careers. An independent panel of esteemed assessors will adjudicate on the nominees. The award will be made at the Conference Banquet.
  • Selected best papers to be published in Internationally recognised journals such as Construction and Building Materials
  • Awards for best research papers and best practice in Engineering. This year the award for the best paper is sponsored by Institution of Civil Engineers.

All papers will be considered for the general awards and authors will be notified by the Awards committee.

Photo: The Narrow Water Bridge