Dear All,
I hope you and yours are all keeping well and safe in these times. In 2020 I had the honour of chairing CERI 2020. Preparations for that conference were progressing in the normal fashion until we had to pivot online in mid-2020 due to the pandemic situation. Nevertheless, due to our vibrant civil engineering research and practice community and the tireless efforts of our organising committee we managed to have a successful and memorable conference. Here we are again in a new conference year, and I am particularly excited at the prospect of meeting you all in Dublin in August. I am very optimistic that CERI 2022 will be an in-person event and it will be great to meet again for the first time since CERI 2018.
CERI 2022 will be jointly chaired by Dr. Niall Holmes of TU Dublin and Dr. Roger West of Trinity College Dublin. Preparations for the conference are well advanced and I wish to thank Niall, Roger and the organising committee for their work to date and I wish them well in the coming months. I am pleased that we are continuing our collaboration with the Irish Transportation Research Network (ITRN) to co-host our conferences in 2022. This partnership has helped the strengthen the conference series and the joint event of CERI 2022 and ITRN 2022 will make a welcome return to our calendar.
Finally, to all our civil engineering researchers and practitioners, I wish you well with your own preparations for the abstract and paper submission process. I know there has been significant research delivered and projects completed since we last met. I have no doubt that CERI 2022 at TU Dublin and Trinity College Dublin will be our most successful conference to date due to your continuing support. See you in August in Dublin!
Best wishes,
Kieran Ruane
President – Civil Engineering Research Association of Ireland