Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2016 (CERI2016)
On behalf of the Civil Engineering Research Association of Ireland (CERAI), I would like to thank all those who participated and helped make the Civil Engineering Research in Ireland 2016 (CERI2016) conference such a success. The conference was hosted by the National University of Ireland Galway in Galway, on the West coast of Ireland during 29-30 August, 2016.
CERI2016 has grown initially from Concrete Research Ireland (CRI) and Bridge Research Ireland (BRI) symposiums, which subsequently held joint symposiums that became Bridge and Concrete Research Ireland (BCRI). Over the years, the themes of the conference broadened significantly, attracting submission from the titular areas, as well as from other areas in civil engineering. As the research needs broaden, and the range of submission widened correspondingly, the Organising Committee of BCRI 2012 recommended re-naming the conference series to Civil Engineering Research in Ireland (CERI). The first CERI conference was held in Queens University Belfast. The CERI2016 conference has built on the enormous success of the histories of CRI, BRI, BCRI and CERI! 119 papers from a broad range of topics in Civil Engineering were presented at the conference, including:
- Bridge Engineering;
- Concrete Technology;
- Geotechnical Engineering;
- Environmental Engineering;
- Pedagogy in Civil Engineering;
- Structural Engineering;
- Timber;
- Other Civil Engineering Materials and Technologies.
Galway definitely promises an unforgettable experience for all participants. We are certain CERI2016 will be one of the most successful and memorable events in CRI, BRI, BCRI and CERI histories!
A draft timetable for the conference can be found here. Registration for the conference can be made through here.
I look forward to welcoming you to the National University of Ireland, Galway in August 2016.
Dr Jamie Goggins
Chairperson, Civil Engineering Research Association of Ireland.